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Daytime Space Centre Package

Daytime Tickets Include:
- Planetarium Star Theatre Show (45mins)
- Time in the Cosmic Courtyard gallery

- Live science shows (20mins; last show 4pm)

Planetarium Show Times: 10:45am*, 11:45am*, 12:45pm*, 1:45pm, 2:45pm, 3:45pm

*School focused show Monday-Friday

Evening Space Centre Package

Celebrate the Lunar New Year  with us on January 31st where culture meets the cosmos! A family-friendly special celebration. Book here: to RSVP


Evening programming available on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Evening Tickets Include:
- Planetarium Star Theatre Show (45mins)
- Time in the Cosmic Courtyard Gallery

- A tour of the observatory (viewing weather dependant)

Planetarium Show Times: 7pm, 8:30pm



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